This is what our Heavenly Father is about to do...He is about to catapult us out of our familiar and steady environments, with high speed acceleration...with a rapid pace into an unfamiliar but exciting place. With a sudden thrust of movement that will make up for years & years of waiting! Yes!
You have fasted, prayed, worshiped, interceded and warred...for so long; wondering when what you have certainly seen in revelations, dreams & visions, what you have heard in countless prophetic words, would come to pass and manifest in your life. But your Father operates outside of time...remember? He is the uncreated Creator, who decides the best timing of manifestations and answers to had to pass through all of those things to get to where you are today!
Are you now perfected? Not by any means...but you have learned to abase, and abound...and tarry...and seek Him...and trust Him...all through these years. Now get ready, for His show is about to begin! For the creation awaits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed... Ha!
Ready, set a-a-an-n-n-d action!
He utterly delights in you, He does!
The King's Daughter