Thursday, October 2, 2014

A New Year...A Container for His Glory

It's a new season as the Jewish people celebrate the Year of 5775...represented by a visual of a window; it represents a window into the future of what the Kingdom of God on earth will be like. We will start to see what the Father really wants us to be, as He wants to express Himself on the earth through you and me...

As I sat at my desk at work today, I received a download of perfume from heaven, which has happened quite a number of times in the past but with this, I heard in my spirit..."Starting now, my children will begin to carry my Presence as open heaven containers of Glory"!
I know the Body of Christ is so ready for a pouring forth of His Glory but what will it look like? I have a funny feeling that it won't look like anything we have preconceived or imagined! Ha! It will be unconventional and of historic proportions...but we have to be prepared.

How do we prepare? I think the main thing is to stay before His presence in expectant faith while asking Him what we should be doing differently that we are doing the same way currently. A new year is always a time of change and introspection: what's working, what's not, what's to change, what's not, etc...
So keep your eyes on Him, your ears attuned to heaven and your hands raised high in praise and revelations/direction will guide us into the next season purposefully.

Keep smiling :)
He greatly delights in you!

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