Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tried, Tested, Tempted...a-a-and Begin Again!

Does it seems sometimes that you are in a never-ending cycle of trials,? I like to remind myself of Job, David and even Jesus Himself who were all tried, tested and tempted but still received the victory. What did they do during their times of trial?

When I feel like I'm in a never-ending cycle of trials, I like to read the book of Job because he is so like me when I find myself in a trial...I start off strong, then run the whole gamut of 'reflective whys' and eventually end up realizing that God is on the throne, which He aptly reminds me of...and so by faith I receive the victory. And then I read about David who ran towards his 'test' Goliath without thinking twice, anticipating the victory with strong faith...and I think to myself, what bold faith! Then I read about Jesus when he was tempted by the devil and I see the key...He responded immediately with the Word of God and did not 'take the thought' nor let the words of the enemy take root. He went through that trial with the sword of the Spirit and got the victory!

So while you are in what may seem like a recurring cycle of trials and tests, use your sword and pray the Word, declare the Word, sing the Word; you get my point. Now if you are not familiar with the Word, the best place to start would be getting familiar with it, because it will save your life! Ha!
And don't forget that the tests were 'allowed' by your Father, He watches over you while you go through these trials, cheering you on to victory; as he said to the devil about Job "But spare his life", He shall spare your life and increase you as you come through this!

Now, I shall go back to reading the Book of Job, which I was doing before I stopped to share this with you...

And remember, He does delight in you...He truly does!
The King's Daughter

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