Friday, January 2, 2015

An Anointing That Causes Abundance...

Hello there...Happy New Year!

I've been stuck on Psalm 23 for 5 days now and it doesn't seem to be letting up... I even dreamt vs. 5a in full color a few nights ago; complete with a table of goodies and others at the table giving me dark unfriendly looks! No kidding! And I sense that for 2015, we're stepping into vs. 5b: "You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over". What exactly does this mean?
The origin of the word "anoint" in the Hebrew means "abundance, to satisfy or fatten", wow! And the word "cup" could also mean "bag of money, container"...another wow! This isn't symbolism here as we often think when we read the Bible that the language has to be symbolic, this is actually pure simple truth.
So here's the verse put clearly: "You abundantly satisfy me such that my capacity to bless is overwhelmingly and lavishly overrun ...!" This is your portion for 2015 so receive it and declare it by faith. Let the truth and meaning of that verse become real to you like never before!
Best Blessings in 2015!

He utterly and completely delights in You...He truly does.
The King's Daughter

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