Sunday, October 5, 2014

Have You Reached the End of Yourself?

One of the times God steps in the most is when we have reached the end of ourselves...what do I mean by this?
If you are like me, a whole host of you have been given prophetic words which you have prayed over, believed and hoped for, then fasted over, then cried over, then decreed over...then started the cycle over! I'm sure in between all that some of you have at some point thrown it out, shelved it or decided the 'prophet' who spoke it was a false prophet and you never wanted to see the word again! Then you have recently dusted it up and began to reluctantly but slowly read the words again...

May I humbly submit to you that you have come to the end of yourself...and this is the time Holy Spirit has been waiting for; when you can let go of that word, how it will happen, when it will happen, what it will look like when it happens, and the manifestation in your life and the lives of those connected to you - in summary how 'glorified' you will be in that phase of the word's manifestation! Now He can take the reins you have let go of, and begin to mold that word, breathe upon it, prepare the Aarons and Hurs that will help you in it's manifestation and begin to hold up your feeble hands as he prepares the Word to be birthed in you.

So what do I do now, I hear you REST. Previously, with all the activity before you came to the end of yourself. you were in the active stage of labour, helter skelter, here & there...then you gave up and you are now in the transition phase. A phase of brief rest before the actual pushing's a very brief transition that will change rapidly in this season as you begin to feel the 'contractions' to push...just praise wildly and Him above all else and He will ensure that new thing you have been waiting for will be birthed safely and all will rejoice with you!

For the earth waits for the manifestation of the Sons of God! Ha!
So go get ready to give birth! And remember, He delights in you...always!

The King's Daughter.

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