Sunday, October 5, 2014

Only One Thing...

I know that sounds like a cryptic title but I couldn't think of a better way to share my experience...
It's been almost three years that I felt I was involved in everything; let me explain: I led a cell group in my home, I attended evening school twice a week, I volunteered at the House of Prayer sessions twice a month at my local church, and I also volunteered at a Healing centre twice a month. All of these were entered into with the best of intentions and with much prayer, I might add, and me, being the 'passionista' that I am, I gave all of them my all...

Then I started to feel very 'rushed', no time to spend conversing with my Father nor my family for that matter; I just rushed or prepared for one thing or the other...until STOP! I decided to do just that...this year, my courses at school ended and I took a break, I left the Healing centre a while back, I ended the Cell group last year, but I continued only with the House of Prayer; because that was my 'One thing' David aptly said, "I am asking God for one thing, only one thing: to live with Him in His house my whole life long. I'll contemplate His beauty, I'll study at His feet" - Psalm 27:4 (The Message Bible version).

It took me doing all of that to discover my "One thing" and for that I will never regret them but I'm glad I'm now focused on my "One thing", so I can behold His beauty forever.
Have you found your "One thing"? When you do, your joy will be full!

He delights in you forever...
The King's daughter.

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