Friday, July 10, 2015

You Have Been Called to the Nations...Now Go!

I have called you to the nations, step into your destiny. Do not despair - Have I not decreed it? Now is the appointed time and you have been chosen from the start. Do not be afraid, was Zion not birthed in a day? Arise therefore! Go to the face place and seek me for the empowerment! Have I not called you to set the captives free? Go and do so!

You are a forerunner, contend for the truth and set your face like flint for the fulfillment of destinies. The prophetic is set to be released in a full measure upon my Body, then they will begin to understand...but until then, stay connected and listen; let your ears hear and your eyes see, meditate on My Word and receive revelation for advancement.

Do not listen to the voice of a stranger, pray in the spirit to silence your thoughts and you will hear My Spirit speak clearly to you. You have passed through this so you can lead others up the mountain where there is clearer vision and where you will see what is to come before it happens. I say again, you are a forerunner, so sound the alarm when you see the sign, for you are also a seer..activate the gift of discerning of spirits that I have given you and arise into the heavenly realm.

Worship Me! For in worship you gain strength to go higher and leave the worldly view behind.
I will inhabit those who set themselves apart to me, and I will do wonders in this time and season.

He greatly delights in you...
The King's Daughter

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