Wednesday, August 5, 2015

You Have Entered the Bridge Month!

I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "You have entered the bridge month!"; and I thought, tell me more Lord...You see, I have always had a fascination for bridges, and my family knows this. I have a bridge painting in my dining area which shows the Toronto Lakeshore area with a bridge over the lake and it so delights me to look at it. Whenever Paul & I visit a park, we usually hunt for little wooden bridges, so I can skip over them with joy, while he looks on laughingly!

I heard the Spirit say, that this month will be a bridge to the new, we are about to step into a supernatural era in all of history. Things that previously were hard to accomplish will be as easy as ever, as God releases His anointing for acceleration upon His children!

I hear the Spirit saying, "Buckle up for the ride of your lives, as I introduce My Anointed Ones to the world to manifest My goodness with signs and wonders following! This is the time of the manifestation of the sons of God...everyone who walks with me will manifest My Presence in some way to their world. This will usher in the era of acceleration and glory in the coming Jubilee year." 

So as you cross this bridge month of August, know that you are crossing into one of the greatest displays of His Presence that the earth has ever seen! And don't forget to skip over with joy, as the Lover of your soul cheers you on...

Remember, He greatly delights in you!
The King's Daughter

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