Does it seems sometimes that you are in a never-ending cycle of trials,? I like to remind myself of Job, David and even Jesus Himself who were all tried, tested and tempted but still received the victory. What did they do during their times of trial?
When I feel like I'm in a never-ending cycle of trials, I like to read the book of Job because he is so like me when I find myself in a trial...I start off strong, then run the whole gamut of 'reflective whys' and eventually end up realizing that God is on the throne, which He aptly reminds me of...and so by faith I receive the victory. And then I read about David who ran towards his 'test' Goliath without thinking twice, anticipating the victory with strong faith...and I think to myself, what bold faith! Then I read about Jesus when he was tempted by the devil and I see the key...He responded immediately with the Word of God and did not 'take the thought' nor let the words of the enemy take root. He went through that trial with the sword of the Spirit and got the victory!
So while you are in what may seem like a recurring cycle of trials and tests, use your sword and pray the Word, declare the Word, sing the Word; you get my point. Now if you are not familiar with the Word, the best place to start would be getting familiar with it, because it will save your life! Ha!
And don't forget that the tests were 'allowed' by your Father, He watches over you while you go through these trials, cheering you on to victory; as he said to the devil about Job "But spare his life", He shall spare your life and increase you as you come through this!
Now, I shall go back to reading the Book of Job, which I was doing before I stopped to share this with you...
And remember, He does delight in you...He truly does!
The King's Daughter
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Marching Feet in the Tops of Poplar Trees...!
The phrase, the tops of trees', popped into my mind as I stood and watched the tops of trees from my balcony while it poured; I knew there was a verse in the Bible that had a similar I searched it (the wonders of online search!). It's a verse from 2 Samuel 5:24 that says, "When you hear a sound like marching feet in the tops of poplar trees, be on the alert! That will be the signal that the Lord is moving ahead of you to strike down the Philistine army".
So I decided of course to read the whole chapter to get the context and why Holy Spirit brought it to mind...and what it showed was two exact same battles fought in totally different ways. In the first one, David fought the Philistines straight on, and in the second, he circled around from behind...and he won both battles, wow! Why? Because he asked God for strategy & direction. Most of us approach similar problems or issues in a 'template fashion': what worked before? So why not apply it again...? Problem is, it could work one way, and then for a very similar issue, it doesn't.
The key is to ask the Father for specific solutions for each and every issue no matter how similar they are...listen for the marching feet in the tops of the poplar trees...the sound of clear direction. Looking at the picture of a poplar tree, I doubt anyone could march on top of them :-) but that's one of the ways God catches our attention, with supernatural signals!
Keep listening for those signals and remember, He delights in you...just the way you are!
The King's daughter.

The key is to ask the Father for specific solutions for each and every issue no matter how similar they are...listen for the marching feet in the tops of the poplar trees...the sound of clear direction. Looking at the picture of a poplar tree, I doubt anyone could march on top of them :-) but that's one of the ways God catches our attention, with supernatural signals!
Keep listening for those signals and remember, He delights in you...just the way you are!
The King's daughter.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Only One Thing...
I know that sounds like a cryptic title but I couldn't think of a better way to share my experience...
It's been almost three years that I felt I was involved in everything; let me explain: I led a cell group in my home, I attended evening school twice a week, I volunteered at the House of Prayer sessions twice a month at my local church, and I also volunteered at a Healing centre twice a month. All of these were entered into with the best of intentions and with much prayer, I might add, and me, being the 'passionista' that I am, I gave all of them my all...
Then I started to feel very 'rushed', no time to spend conversing with my Father nor my family for that matter; I just rushed or prepared for one thing or the other...until STOP! I decided to do just that...this year, my courses at school ended and I took a break, I left the Healing centre a while back, I ended the Cell group last year, but I continued only with the House of Prayer; because that was my 'One thing' David aptly said, "I am asking God for one thing, only one thing: to live with Him in His house my whole life long. I'll contemplate His beauty, I'll study at His feet" - Psalm 27:4 (The Message Bible version).
It took me doing all of that to discover my "One thing" and for that I will never regret them but I'm glad I'm now focused on my "One thing", so I can behold His beauty forever.
Have you found your "One thing"? When you do, your joy will be full!
He delights in you forever...
The King's daughter.
It's been almost three years that I felt I was involved in everything; let me explain: I led a cell group in my home, I attended evening school twice a week, I volunteered at the House of Prayer sessions twice a month at my local church, and I also volunteered at a Healing centre twice a month. All of these were entered into with the best of intentions and with much prayer, I might add, and me, being the 'passionista' that I am, I gave all of them my all...
Then I started to feel very 'rushed', no time to spend conversing with my Father nor my family for that matter; I just rushed or prepared for one thing or the other...until STOP! I decided to do just that...this year, my courses at school ended and I took a break, I left the Healing centre a while back, I ended the Cell group last year, but I continued only with the House of Prayer; because that was my 'One thing' David aptly said, "I am asking God for one thing, only one thing: to live with Him in His house my whole life long. I'll contemplate His beauty, I'll study at His feet" - Psalm 27:4 (The Message Bible version).
It took me doing all of that to discover my "One thing" and for that I will never regret them but I'm glad I'm now focused on my "One thing", so I can behold His beauty forever.
Have you found your "One thing"? When you do, your joy will be full!
He delights in you forever...
The King's daughter.
Have You Reached the End of Yourself?
One of the times God steps in the most is when we have reached the end of ourselves...what do I mean by this?
If you are like me, a whole host of you have been given prophetic words which you have prayed over, believed and hoped for, then fasted over, then cried over, then decreed over...then started the cycle over! I'm sure in between all that some of you have at some point thrown it out, shelved it or decided the 'prophet' who spoke it was a false prophet and you never wanted to see the word again! Then you have recently dusted it up and began to reluctantly but slowly read the words again...
May I humbly submit to you that you have come to the end of yourself...and this is the time Holy Spirit has been waiting for; when you can let go of that word, how it will happen, when it will happen, what it will look like when it happens, and the manifestation in your life and the lives of those connected to you - in summary how 'glorified' you will be in that phase of the word's manifestation! Now He can take the reins you have let go of, and begin to mold that word, breathe upon it, prepare the Aarons and Hurs that will help you in it's manifestation and begin to hold up your feeble hands as he prepares the Word to be birthed in you.
So what do I do now, I hear you REST. Previously, with all the activity before you came to the end of yourself. you were in the active stage of labour, helter skelter, here & there...then you gave up and you are now in the transition phase. A phase of brief rest before the actual pushing's a very brief transition that will change rapidly in this season as you begin to feel the 'contractions' to push...just praise wildly and Him above all else and He will ensure that new thing you have been waiting for will be birthed safely and all will rejoice with you!
For the earth waits for the manifestation of the Sons of God! Ha!
So go get ready to give birth! And remember, He delights in you...always!
The King's Daughter.
If you are like me, a whole host of you have been given prophetic words which you have prayed over, believed and hoped for, then fasted over, then cried over, then decreed over...then started the cycle over! I'm sure in between all that some of you have at some point thrown it out, shelved it or decided the 'prophet' who spoke it was a false prophet and you never wanted to see the word again! Then you have recently dusted it up and began to reluctantly but slowly read the words again...
May I humbly submit to you that you have come to the end of yourself...and this is the time Holy Spirit has been waiting for; when you can let go of that word, how it will happen, when it will happen, what it will look like when it happens, and the manifestation in your life and the lives of those connected to you - in summary how 'glorified' you will be in that phase of the word's manifestation! Now He can take the reins you have let go of, and begin to mold that word, breathe upon it, prepare the Aarons and Hurs that will help you in it's manifestation and begin to hold up your feeble hands as he prepares the Word to be birthed in you.
So what do I do now, I hear you REST. Previously, with all the activity before you came to the end of yourself. you were in the active stage of labour, helter skelter, here & there...then you gave up and you are now in the transition phase. A phase of brief rest before the actual pushing's a very brief transition that will change rapidly in this season as you begin to feel the 'contractions' to push...just praise wildly and Him above all else and He will ensure that new thing you have been waiting for will be birthed safely and all will rejoice with you!
For the earth waits for the manifestation of the Sons of God! Ha!
So go get ready to give birth! And remember, He delights in you...always!
The King's Daughter.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Where is the Sign...You are the Sign!
Something interesting happened a while better half was at a public place and someone lit up.
He quickly turned to the person and said, "you can't smoke here, this is a no-smoking area" to which the smoker replied, "there is no sign, where is the sign?" and he said to him, "I am the sign" and the smoker immediately crushed the cigarette!
As I pondered the audacity of his response, I thought, wait a moment...we are the sign to this sign-seeking generation! Everyone both Christians and non-Christians alike are seeking a sign for the next move or to justify their actions but we, the chosen of the Lord are the sign to the world.
A sign literally points you in the direction you should go...we are equivalent to people walking around with a huge sign that reads "follow me to the Kingdom of God"... that's how our lifestyle should be - a sign.
What sign are you walking around with?
Remain joyful...because He delights in you!
He quickly turned to the person and said, "you can't smoke here, this is a no-smoking area" to which the smoker replied, "there is no sign, where is the sign?" and he said to him, "I am the sign" and the smoker immediately crushed the cigarette!
As I pondered the audacity of his response, I thought, wait a moment...we are the sign to this sign-seeking generation! Everyone both Christians and non-Christians alike are seeking a sign for the next move or to justify their actions but we, the chosen of the Lord are the sign to the world.
A sign literally points you in the direction you should go...we are equivalent to people walking around with a huge sign that reads "follow me to the Kingdom of God"... that's how our lifestyle should be - a sign.
What sign are you walking around with?
Remain joyful...because He delights in you!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
A New Year...A Container for His Glory
It's a new season as the Jewish people celebrate the Year of 5775...represented by a visual of a window; it represents a window into the future of what the Kingdom of God on earth will be like. We will start to see what the Father really wants us to be, as He wants to express Himself on the earth through you and me...
As I sat at my desk at work today, I received a download of perfume from heaven, which has happened quite a number of times in the past but with this, I heard in my spirit..."Starting now, my children will begin to carry my Presence as open heaven containers of Glory"!
I know the Body of Christ is so ready for a pouring forth of His Glory but what will it look like? I have a funny feeling that it won't look like anything we have preconceived or imagined! Ha! It will be unconventional and of historic proportions...but we have to be prepared.
How do we prepare? I think the main thing is to stay before His presence in expectant faith while asking Him what we should be doing differently that we are doing the same way currently. A new year is always a time of change and introspection: what's working, what's not, what's to change, what's not, etc...
So keep your eyes on Him, your ears attuned to heaven and your hands raised high in praise and revelations/direction will guide us into the next season purposefully.
Keep smiling :)
He greatly delights in you!
As I sat at my desk at work today, I received a download of perfume from heaven, which has happened quite a number of times in the past but with this, I heard in my spirit..."Starting now, my children will begin to carry my Presence as open heaven containers of Glory"!
I know the Body of Christ is so ready for a pouring forth of His Glory but what will it look like? I have a funny feeling that it won't look like anything we have preconceived or imagined! Ha! It will be unconventional and of historic proportions...but we have to be prepared.
How do we prepare? I think the main thing is to stay before His presence in expectant faith while asking Him what we should be doing differently that we are doing the same way currently. A new year is always a time of change and introspection: what's working, what's not, what's to change, what's not, etc...
So keep your eyes on Him, your ears attuned to heaven and your hands raised high in praise and revelations/direction will guide us into the next season purposefully.
Keep smiling :)
He greatly delights in you!
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